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cows are the best they’re so nice and sweet and kinda dumb but mostly just nice they like to frolick and they’re so content just with the sun and the grass i also like that the girls pretty much just get their own species no one cares about bulls it’s all about the pretty happy sweet lil buttercup cows
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i don’t care for organised religion, i guess i’m spiritual. mostly superstitious. i like learning about my zodiac sign and various religions and i pick and choose from them what makes sense to me. i just want to be a nice person and be happy. mostly i trust mother nature and “signs” and vibes and energy from other people and i don’t really believe in anything i just think learning about spirituality is interesting. i just want to be connected to the earth.
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i just rly want everyone to be happy n love themselves n everyone else n do beautiful things like play in the forest with imaginary faeries and skip rocks in creeks and drink flavoured vodka with friends who care
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- just because i don’t want to have sex with YOU does not make me a lesbian
- being antisocial does not make me a lesbian
- having less sex than other girls does not make me a lesbian
- being able to state that i find a girl attractive does not make me a lesbian
- being too self-conscious to approach or maintain relationships with guys does not make me a lesbian
- calling me a lesbian because i won’t fuck you and you don’t care enough about me or are too stupid to realise the above DOES make you an idiot
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going to write a self help book called “here do you want some candy you can take 4 and eat the two that you like and then give the other two to someone else and make them happy” bc that’s the most profound thing i’ve said all day and probably all my life
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i quite like myself
slouched over a television with a broken remote,
pale skin alive with glowing colours
at 3:33 in the morning
i think i am at my best
when i am hovered
over the kitchen sink just after dark
running hot water
over my raw fingers
i feel great
when i am sprawled across my bed
crying before i even wake up
sun pushing, unwanted,
through a dirty window
i am very happy with who i am
i say aloud in the car
all alone
while i consider driving into a tree
i am very happy with who i am
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on a night where
the stars broke open
the darkness
it was then
that you told me
that you loved me
for the first time
my only wish is that
you would have confessed
the words in daylight
(at least then i could
look up at the stars
and not think of
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If you don't mean what you say
Don't say anything at all
And don't tell me you miss me
Unless you plan to answer when I call
You're a selfish friend
Maybe not a friend at all
You might as well
Erase me from your brain
And while you're at it
Remove me from your phone
Because I'm more tired of your excuses
Than I am of being alone
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ok.… i like beyonce // i’m not trying to be that girl who has to hate on everything everyone else likes BUT she’s been around for like 15 years and in the past 7-8 months everyone is suddenly jizzing their fucking pants over her like did i miss something huge, did she pop out the next jesus christ or cure a blind person or smth?? i dnt get it
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would anybody make me some artwork to hang up in my room? i think it would be cute n nice to be able to decorate with and admire things that strangers have made bc my walls are very naked
idc what it is, sketches or lil paintings or modern art or anything else you want to make and would be kind enough to send to me!!! if you feel like it contact me and i’ll give u my address xoxo
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next time you fall asleep remember
that there is girl in a bed with a blood stain on her sheets
that didn’t get there the same way yours did
and thank your lucky stars when you hear thunder
because you don’t try to hurt yourself when it rains anymore
and when you keep trying to write something meaningful
and all that comes out is this
be happy that you’re not so unhappy that you have to write
sad little girl poems
but bullshit reminders instead
just remember that you’re going to be fine
and so is everyone else
and you’ll write better poems again
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diary entry, september 12 (materialism)
i want skirt overalls
i want real English tea
i want an old plastic lunchbox
i want someone to read this all one day
i want to wear lipstick tomorrow
i want to love?
i want to marry chandler
I want to paint my nails
i want to kiss a girl
i want to FUCK a boy
i want to go back to my childhood
i want a mean boy to fuck me and leave big pretty bruises all over my body
i want to break my neck
i want to fuck Harry Styles
i want anyone to fuck me
i want to be fucked up
fucked over
fucked sideways
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words to live by /


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the people on youtube who comment on an artist’s new music like ‘their old stuff was so much better’ or ‘thumbs up if you like their earlier music way more :((’ or ‘this album is too radio-friendly ugh’
like what do you think you are accomplishing?? go listen to the stuff you like then??? do u think you’re special? asshole
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- vaknat sent men samtidigt alldeles för tidigt med tanke på min sömnbrist som råder i veckorna
- sett på alldeles för många avsnitt av den världsbästa serien supernatural som jag håller kärt <3
- ätit osttortillas
- ätit en god frukost bestående av fil blåbär granola samt tärnad gurka
- druckit litervis med vatten och steviasaft
- pluggat för lite spanska
- skrivit i kalendern som är proppfull av viktiga händelser
- läst favvobloggarna
- duschat bort helgens bravader
- insett hur hemsk denna värld är
- funderat på att städa men sedan glömt av tanken
- legat i sängen
- bakat chokladbollar och ätit chokladbollar
- konverserat med fina vänner och andra
- saknat farmor och farfar
- tänkt. för mycket.
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Go ahead, numb the pain
with niceties and your sad attempt
at an apologetic expression
that didn’t fool anyone for a second.
It doesn’t change the fact
that there are needles
puncturing all of my
vital organs. (I haven’t forgotten that
you put them there.)
So let’s play your favourite game:
how many spoonfuls of sugar
can you feed me
before I realize
it’s poison?
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Self-pity uses a surprisingly large amount of energy;
I wish I could explain how it hurts to get out of bed
but it’s one of those things you can’t understand
unless you’ve felt it.
We are not lazy. We are not bored.
We do not lack passion;
We lack life
but not want of life -
there’s a difference.
Now, I’ll leave you to imagine all the ways in which I could be your version of better:
there’s a letter lying on the floor that
I should have sent a week ago.
Maybe one day I’ll stitch myself up to create something
mildly resembling something useful
and get everything done well, and - more importantly - in time.
But for now? Well, time flies when you’re miserable as hell.
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You tried to play my bones
like a piano.
You kept hitting the keys
harder -
so carelessly -
when they didn’t give you
the melody you wanted.
I’ll give it to you,
you never were very
but you should have known:
the real music in a piano
comes from strings within, hidden
from view.
You’ve never cared enough
to look deeper into anything
or anyone but yourself.
You never played my strings,
because you never learned to read
the rises and falls of the scales
and arpeggios of my thoughts,
nor could you understand the sharp pain or the flat numbness.
You never treated me like a musician
would; a musician
has respect for the instrument.
A musician makes sure
the instrument is working -
leaves nothing broken, damaged.
A musician fixes these things,
gentle with the delicate keys.
No, you were never much of a musician.
You fractured my skeleton
but my body will
sing for you.
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It’s like we were walking along a cliff
and somewhere along the way I just
dropped off.
You see, I’m no good at explaining the ‘why’s of situations,
just the ‘what’s,
like when I wrote down I love you (I could never
say it out loud)
and I realised that some things are not
warranted by explanations -
they just happen.
One moment we walked together
and the next I was gone
and I’m sorry I couldn’t give you more to hold onto.
Just know that before I fell, I held out my hand.
You didn’t take it.
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When you get sick your body has white blood cells to protect itself.
The phagocytes will engulf the pathogen, the thing that’s plaguing your body
and digest it, obliterate it completely.
And then the lymphocytes will produce antigens and some of them will stick
to the disease, screaming,
‘It’s here! The danger is here!’
And then the phagocytes will engulf it.
It’s just that easy
(most of the time).
But the best part
is that your body can make
memory cells
and they remember perfectly
how to fight the disease,
how to kill it off before
it has the chance to affect you
the next time you come near it.
I’m learning these methods of self-preservation in emotional terms very slowly.
I’m building up my mind’s own immune system.
I’m reminding myself of the pain of last time every time I find myself falling in love with
a stranger’s walk or the sloping shoulders of the boy on the bus that remind me of sledging in the winter
and I’m sending the warning signals to my heart and I’m telling it to stop -
stop wanting, stop needing,
stop beating.
If only there were a way
to protect your heart
without shutting it down completely.
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I wanted to build a bonfire
for everything I hate about the world
And because I couldn’t find any logs
I burned my bones instead
Then realized there was nothing left
to throw into the flames
Because I don’t hate my mind, not really. This why
I find most of my bull’s-eyes on my body;
The only arrows on my thoughts are the ones
aimed at my internalized hatred that stems
From the acidic soil of a society that says
it’s better to be thin than to write poetry.
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every cell inside me is there for a reason,
but for what reason are they keeping me alive?
the blood races around my body,
the air rushes in and out of me.
oh how i wish that they could see,
what they were fighting for;
maybe then,
my heart would fail suddenly.
my lungs would collapse unexpectedly.
and there would be no more brain cells living,
to wonder all these things.
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Perhaps if we stooped so low,
as to stop for a moment
a fleeting second
we might take the time to realise
the beauty of the budding flower,
and the delicate delight of a smile,
and the intricacy of the veins on our wrists
and the carefulness with which blood is pumped through them.
we might also notice
the boy getting bullied at the back of the bus,
and the girl crying because her father died,
and the little child who doesn’t want to go home
because they don’t know what horror awaits them there.
Perhaps if we stopped for a moment
we might realise
that too much of beauty is natural,
and too much of devastation is man-made.
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