A Letter To No One In Particular
date: 2014-04-22
time: 19:24:25

Hi. I miss you, a little. No, actually I kind of miss you more than I intended to. I keep thinking that maybe, just maybe you are missing me too. I don't know what's going on between us and I don't know what you are thinking. I wish I did. It would make things a little easier for me. I would know whether to stay or to leave. Because I know it's my place to go but I still hope you'll ask me to stay. I'm not sure if this is considered a fall out but this silence is killing me. And what's worse is not knowing why we stopped speaking in the first place.
Remember when I told you I wasn't very good with words, especially in real life? Like I didn't know how to express myself to you because it was just all kinds of nerve wrecking to me. So I thought if I write a letter, it'd be better because at least then, I can get some things off my chest regardless if you read it or not. A part of me hopes you'll read this, a part of me hopes you won't.
I've been spending all of last week wondering what made you stop talking to me. Like, was it something I said or something I did? Or was it just because you are no longer interested? I know feelings change, I get it; but don't you think it's only fair that you'd let me know you didn't want to see me anymore? I've been lying in bed every night, wondering what the hell changed and I can't seem to figure it out. I have come up with so many theories and excuses but I just can't find the one that seems to justify my quench of curiosity.
I cried one night, or two but I don't want to tell you the details in this letter. Because I'm not sure you deserve to know.
It literally kills me that I feel this way because I never meant to like you this much in the first place, and I never thought that you would just cut me off either. I don't know what hurts more, not knowing or you leaving. I am just confused as to, why all of a sudden? I keep asking myself the same questions, over and over again and all I can do is replay scenarios in my head and trying to pick up if something had gone wrong. Maybe this is all in my head, but you cannot deny that something has definitely changed in the atmosphere.
You say you're busy with school and work, and I get it. I really do. But how can someone be that busy to not even try? I've had my fair share of hearing excuses and I know one when I hear one. Being busy is what people tell other people when they are over them, when they no longer want to see them. So I get it. I know what you are trying to say. Yet, there's a teeny tiny part of me that hopes I'm wrong. Maybe I'm wrong and you really don't mean it that way. Maybe I am overreacting. Maybe I am just going insane. Just maybe, I am wrong.
But today I saw you. And I'm pretty sure you saw me too. And I was hoping maybe you'd stop me and say "Hi, I've missed you" or even, "Hello, how are you?" but you didn't. You never even said "hey": We just walked past each other. That really hurt. I literally felt the atoms in my body close up and my heart, physically ached. My best friend asked if you texted me after and I told her I didn't check my phone but probably not. I didn't check my phone because I didn't want to know. I was trying to give you some time to make a decision. I was hoping that maybe, just maybe you would have texted because you still cared. But you didn't, and that hurt even more. Are we not going to even say hello anymore? That's almost like murder.
I told my friends that I was out of tears. I lied.
I've been thinking about this so much and there is so much on my mind that I don't even remember all that I want to say anymore. There is so much I want to say in this letter, but I can't write it all. And this letter has become so disorganized, but that's okay because that's how my mind is right now. It's a jumle of thoughts. A web of questions. I have become so distracted and vulnerable. I would lay down in bed at 12 am and not fall asleep till 3 or 4 in the morning. You asked me if I stayed up so late thinking about you, I lied and said no but the honest answer is oh God, yes. I cannot sleep because the questions haunt me. My eyelids feel heavy and I am physically tired but my brain just won't stop going. It just keeps running and I am so sick and restless.
Explanation. Closure. Will you ever give me one? If you don't like me anymore, just tell me. If you have found someone else, just tell me. If you think I'm not good enough, just tell me. But you can't hold my hands and kiss me and tell me you like me and then leave me there hanging onto nothing. You left me in the state of limbo, but I cannot figure out everything by myself. Were we nothing? I mean, if we were nothing then just tell me. I can take the truth. I hate not knowing. But don't fool me into thinking that we had something going on, just to cut me off. I told you about my past, but you made sure to repeat it. And that is not fair.
I opened up to you. How can you make me open up to you and then leave? I think back on all the things that you said. So were any of it true, or were they just lies? Sweet talking, that was your best trait and I hated it at first but it grew on me but now, I am upset at myself for believeing you. I think back on all the compliments you gave, apparently they weren't real. I just don't get why you had to choose me of all people. There are so many other girls out there, if you wanted to play games you could have picked someone else. I didn't ask for this. I didn't agree to participate. I did not sign up to get injured. But that's how it always is right?
I am mad. And I am sad. And then I am furious. And then I am hurt. I've been hurting a lot recently, not that you care but I thought I'd let you know. You really, really, hurt me.
deep thoughts and unpopular opinions /

Things I try to write about, instead of you
date: 2014-04-20
time: 17:01:14

I tried
to write
about oceans
and stars
and the skies
but all
there is,
are metaphors
of you
living in
my head.
poetry /

date: 2014-04-20
time: 17:00:13

I've been told that loving was hard,
and hate was easy.
But I have found it impossibly difficult to hate you,
yet I cannot open up and
let someone else love me,
let alone love them back.
How did I allow you
to make me so weak?
poetry /

date: 2014-04-20
time: 16:58:55

Some time after midnight,
I develop this sudden ache
for you and I lay there
wondering, if you are aching
for me too.
poetry /

date: 2014-04-20
time: 16:57:32

I want to take you
on road trips
and hold conversations
under the big blue skies.
I want to drive endlessly
down empty roads
in the middle of nowhere
so we can watch the stars shine.
You are the only one
that can call me at 3 AM
and I will be more than okay with it
for I would rather
hear your voice than
catch up on the episodes that I've missed.
Because when it comes to you
the pieces just seem to fit.
I can see galaxies in your eyes
and hear waves crashing onshore
whenever you speak.
And I wish to tell you
that I think the one for you,
is me.
poetry /

date: 2014-04-04
time: 12:16:27

I tried to give him back the ring. He was standing in the back yard, and I'd already finished packing, but we were still too angry to be in the same room. So, from the balcony of the master bedroom, I tossed him my set of keys. He reached to catch them, fumbled, and resisted bending down to retrieve them from the dirt patch lawn. "You don't have to be such a bitch about this."
"I'm not trying to be. Really." I worked the ring off my finger and made it two steps down before he stopped me.
"Keep it. I don't want it. It's useless to me."
I opened my mouth to beg him to take it, to take it back, to erase our half-intentions, but he'd already turned his back and was in his truck before I could sputter any semblance of a plea.
I put the ring back on my finger, put on my coat, and left the front door open behind me. Anything of value in that house was leaving with me, anyway.
When the October sunshine caught my diamond on my ride across town, I remembered the sick way he'd boasted about how much he'd paid. How he'd finally found something as rare and expensive as my violin. And I'd had to smile and accept the gift, ignoring every impulse to run, to remind him that I'm not a girl for shiny, delicate things.
At the next stoplight, I put the ring in my pocket, vowing to sell it to the highest bidder as soon as I could.
I moved my silver band from my right hand back to its original place - where commitments never should have been made.
In college, I worked in an office with a girl who lived in my building. We became friends later, but at the time, we were just coworkers. One day, as we were passing another eight hours when the phones wouldn't ring and we had nothing to do but regale each other with anecdotes and highlight random papers to look like we were earning our keep, she blurted out, "Oh my god, are you engaged?"
"God, no. Why would you ask that? We're so young!"
"Your ring."
"Oh, no. My mom got me this when I was nine. Been wearing it ever since. I guess it was made by some local artist and she found it at a craft fair? Pretty cool, actually, to have a one-off. And, since this is the finger it fit, this is where I wear it."
"Wow. You're brave. I was taught that you never, ever wear a ring on your ring finger. Otherwise you'll never get married. That's the finger you leave open."
"I've never heard that before."
"Well, you'd better move that ring, or you'll never get married."
"I don't think that's how it works"
I said yes to the fourth proposal to come along. And it wasn't until that night that I finally moved my silver ring to another finger. Against my mother's protestations, and against my own better judgement. I didn't want to say yes, and the fact that he only wanted to give me a bauble more precious than the simplicity I embodied should have given me greater pause.
Maybe I'd listened to my friend more closely than I realized.
Maybe I was tired of saying no.
I don't know.
I do know that now, ten years later, my friend whose left hand remained superstitiously empty is happily married.
And I've since moved my mother's ring to my right hand again. To flaunt the freedom that comes with a fully-nude left. The ring's steam has split as it's grown with me over the past twenty-four years. And when I think I may be making the wrong decision, I flex my hand and the seam pinches my finger, reassuring me that I have a solid base from which to work this through.
That, no matter what, I'll always be able to walk away.
And, if it gets really bad, I can sell my past for parts.
poetry /

date: 2014-04-02
time: 17:40:23

I realized how many of us
are just so sad
and bitter
and heartbroken
and melancholy
and depressed
over our lives.
We are so damn young
and we are already losing hope,
yet we have barely
seen half of what life
and the world has to offer.
Why are we so destroyed
by the little things
when there are going
to be so much more
in the future?
poetry /

date: 2014-04-02
time: 17:37:12

I realized today
(maybe a bit too late),
there is no us
and there never was.
I am me.
You are you.
And I always belonged to myself,
never to anyone else.
poetry /

date: 2014-04-02
time: 14:03:23

it's just i really want to meet niall and actually talk to him for more than 3 seconds like i want to talk to him about football and food and music and the meaning of life i want to see if he's really that carefree i want to make him laugh i want to find out something about him that not everyone knows and it makes me really sad to know that i'll never do that
feels /

date: 2014-04-02
time: 13:47:47

Two lovers in the park;
I watched her sigh
a dreamy breath.
I saw him smile
like she was his sun.
I envied them both
and continued on
poetry /

date: 2014-04-02
time: 00:18:37

She was fire and ice; she would either burn you or freeze you out. She learned very early that love was a myth made up by mothers who were too scared of their little girl ending up with no one to take care of her. She constantly wondered why a girl couldn't just take care of herself. She was rock candy; you wanted to taste her but she always cut your mouth.
She found herself in random beds on Friday nights, because sex didn't need to be with someone you love, if love didn't exist. She left before the sun came up, zipping her black boots back up, and walking home in the rain. She didn't have time to be sad.
poetry /

date: 2014-04-01
time: 21:47:07

It is a strange thing
choosing to love someone more
when they do not
love you back.
poetry /

date: 2014-04-01
time: 21:44:48

I want to
fall in love
the way
leaves fall
in Autumn
and rain
on an April
poetry /

Ask Me About My Lipstick
date: 2014-04-01
time: 21:43:46

I wish for you
to write about me
the way you paint novels
about her.
I pretend
that I am your muse,
poetry /

date: 2014-04-01
time: 21:42:17

I have
for you
you simply
have no idea.
I am
in love
with the
words you
and the
you express
your emotions,
as if
they consume
each corner
of your soul.
And although
you once said
your heart
was dark
and dry
and freezing cold
I know
there are
in there,
even when
you think
it is
poison ivy.
poetry /

date: 2014-04-01
time: 21:39:38

I was wearing violet mascara on the day you left.
A violet river flooded my face,
and discovered home within my left clavicle.
The mascara stained everything in proximity,
as if this particular emotional breakdown
needed its own trademark:
obnoxious purple streaks on the wall,
on your t-shirts, on my mother's persian rug.
You always knew how to make a scene.
I laughed and cried about it on the bedroom floor.
poetry /

date: 2014-04-01
time: 21:36:17

if you stare at something long enough,
the significance slowly fades until
all meaning has perished.
he studied me for hours that evening,
gathered his bags,
and caught the 5 AM train.
poetry /