People Become Distant
date: 2014-08-05
time: 09:22:07

I always just have to
Figure these things out
On my own.
Nobody ever seems
To want to let me know.
poetry /

date: 2014-08-05
time: 09:21:05

you can only cower behind a shield for so long before it becomes a mask. you can only cower behind a mask for so long before it becomes you. find a new shield. how long have you been doing this? how many layers of obsolete identities cover your heart? how many layers of bark cover the acorn a tree once was?
how long have you been you?
deep thoughts and unpopular opinions /

date: 2014-08-05
time: 09:17:43

and on the really bad days
i put on your old sweaters
and i sit on the floor
and listen to the first playlist you made me
on the really bad days
i tuck your name under my tongue
and i don't say a word
i try to melt into the patterns on the carpet
and forget why i was trying to forget you
poetry /

date: 2014-08-05
time: 09:15:43

i know i fell in love with
rough fingers on raw skin
but my friends are tired of seeing
bruises on my shoulders
from where your lies hit me hardest
there's blood on your hands
that only i can see
and i still think i'll love you forever
poetry /