date: 2014-07-15
time: 23:17:00

i haven't slept in days because
every time i close my eyes
i see you there
and i can't tell if it's a dream
or a nightmare
i wear your old sweaters
around my house because
sometimes it's the only thing
that can stop my hands from shaking
but i swear to god
one day i'm going to set them on fire
i hate you
i wish that you'd stayed
poetry /

date: 2014-07-15
time: 23:15:13

Do you remember that night in February
When we were sitting on your bed
And you were telling me about your family?
I should've told you I loved you then
Because the light from the streetlamp outside your window
Was painting your skin the color of sunsets
And my heart was screaming your name
And my skin was on fire
And I don't know why I didn't let you know
That I would've done anything for you.
We might have been perfect if I had been braver.
poetry /

date: 2014-07-15
time: 23:12:40

there was no poetry in the way you destroyed me
only blood and broken bones
and misplaced pieces of my shattered heart
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date: 2014-07-15
time: 23:11:14

it's fucking insane
how after i kissed you
i thought about it every day for 7 months
i put on lipstick
because i loved imagining
the way it would look on your face
i still remember how your breath tastes
i can feel it on my skin
i can feel the softness of your fingers
trace my hips
it's been 13 months
poetry /

date: 2014-07-15
time: 23:08:49

i woke up petrified
my eyes were sealed shut
and i could feel every fiber in my lungs
but my limbs laid limp
i am stone
while my insides sink into my mattress
and i am drenched in heat
and artificial interactions
poetry /

date: 2014-07-15
time: 23:06:36

two truths and a lie:
i love you
i miss you
i'm sorry
poetry /

date: 2014-07-06
time: 19:36:42

I do not believe
in fresh starts. and yet,
I’ve read that skin cells regenerate
every twenty-eight days, that
you get new intestines
every forty-eight hours and
it takes twenty years for a
new heart. I’ve read that, in half a
lifetime, you can be a completely
new self.
I do not believe in fresh
starts, because memories do not
pile like lost dust in the corners of
my room, because words exchanged
do not split and reform and
fall away. my body is not the
one I was born with and yet
my thoughts are not forgotten.
I do not believe in
fresh starts, but I will clean
every dead cell from my self,
I will dust out my halls and burn
up my past, and I will try
poetry /

date: 2014-07-06
time: 16:44:35

it took me a while to learn
not to build a home in a person
i wanted their fingers laced together like bricks
i wanted their eyes to be windows
that i could peer out of and admire the view
i wanted their legs to be my stilts
and their mouth to be my front porch
i wanted a place to sit on sunday mornings
i wanted the comforts of their ribcage
to wrap around me like the blankets of my childhood bed
but people don't do that
they will not bend to your will
and take in tenants they don't have room for
it's okay.
lay your own bricks
put drapes up in your eyes and draw them back when the sun rises
wrap yourself in your skin
and breathe in the familiar homey smell
of your heart pumping blood like fresh apple pies.
poetry /

date: 2014-07-06
time: 16:38:41

you were my go to
"it's three am and i'm lonely
are you still awake?"
my "have you heard this"
"have you seen this"
"have you done this"
my questions answered
without a second thought
you were mine
i miss you
poetry /

date: 2014-07-02
time: 20:33:51

you smell like stale cigarette smoke and black coffee
like sleepless nights spent alone
and i'm tired
so tired
but your presence is like caffeine
you taste like chlorine
no matter how long it's been since your last swim
and i'm scared
of falling in love
it's two a.m.
i'm driving alone
and it's quiet
so quiet
but thinking of you keeps me safe
poetry /