I hope the next girl you love plants flowers in your soul that bloom and never die
I hope they fill you with the light you’ve been looking for
I’m sorry I was too engulfed in my darkness to be able to do that for you
My mom used to tell me how messy love was
And I know how you hate messes
I’m sorry I tore everything apart and left nothing behind but a mess
I never meant you any harm but there’s a reason they name hurricanes after people
I hope you don’t remember me as the destruction I left behind
But rather the beautiful storm we stood through together
I will never forget your kisses like lightening, and your heartbeat like thunder
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i vår vill jag

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saker jag vill göra

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en önskelista inför sjuttonårsdagen

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plans for summer

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reasons to be happy

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black coffee

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listor över mat för att mat är bäst

- broccolisoppa
- pumpasoppa
- saffransbullar
- tomatsoppa och vitlöksbröd
- levainbröd med tomat mozzarella och basilika

- apelsinklyftor, ett grovt mjukt bröd med ost och gurka, fil toppat med granola blåbär hallon mandlar russin och tranbär
- gröt gjord på helt bovete, toppat med banan pekannötter agavesirap och en kvist citronmeliss
- havregrynsgröt bestående av russin valnötter clementin plus en kopp te
- smörgås med ost och paprika, fil med bananpengar och pekannötter samt en kopp te
- pasta med stekta grönsaker

- spenat- och fetaostpaj
- citronkokt fänkål, panerad torsk och potatis
- amerikanska pannkakor med lönnsirap varma hallon och banan
- linsgryta
- croissanter, keso- och avokadomackor, yoghurt med varma bär, ägg och juice

- rostat bröd med prästost och gurka, brämhultsjuice och kokt ägg
- toast med jordnötssmör och bananpengar
- saffranspasta med räkor
- våfflor med sylt och grädde
- kidneybönbiffar med avokado och cocktailtomater med sallad gjord på valnötter chévre vattenmelon mynta och citronsaft

- varm mjölk med några marabourutor
- sallad med quinoa ruccola päron chévre granatäpple och pickles
- ugnsrostade rödbetor med getost hasselnötter och honung
- sötpotatis- och cannellonibönburgare med tomat avokado ruccola och vitlöks-/avokadosås
- gnocchi med fänkål persilja breasola mozzarella parmesan och vitlök
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vem är alexandra egentligen

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fin teater i hollywood

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lite från sista tiden

what's life??? /


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- druckit kokande te och bränt bort ungefär alla smaklökar på min tunga
- spillt kokande vatten över benet och handen
- doppat tummen i kokande vatten

- ätit ananas och fått stickig tunga och stickiga läppar
- skrivit ut alla mina dikter och satt i en pärm
- märkt att jag skriver väldigt många dikter. hundratals till och med
- ätit mycket choklad, men det är gott och jag blir glad
- saknat alla gamla vänner, eller kanske är de bara vänner, jag knappt pratar med alls längre. sorgligt
- tänkt mycket på framtiden och fått små tankar om vad jag möjligtvis vill utbilda mig till men sedan blivit ledsen eftersom jag inte har talangen som krävs
- skrivit ut alla bilder jag sett på internet som ger mig lyckorus
- tejpat fast en bild av harry styles på min sänggavel mest för att. han är ju världens finaste
- sovit till klockan tre på eftermiddagarna på lördagar och till klockan fem på morgnarna på tisdagar
- njutit av vårsolen och fågelkvittret för att det är alldeles underbart att vi snart är hos sommaren igen
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carpeted floors to lean your elbows against
sun streaming through clouds like
elementary school pillow fights, laughing through feathers
the way music sounds, the vibrations of your tympanic membrane
realizing that the same lips that say hate can say love
(if they wanted to)
blood flowing through your body
your body flowing through space
space enveloping you like a warm cocoon, like a yolk inside an egg
warm baths where your body
is free to be a body
and hands
every type of hand
holding on to things, always holding on
stomping in puddles as hard as you can
rain boots and
light beams
and spaces between breaths
and breaths always taken.
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I'm sorry

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I want a garden

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Could be happy

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thoughts to people i’ve known

i’m still thinking about that time you slept in my bathtub and i checked on you eight times that night to make sure you were okay
i’m still thinking about that time you told me about a discovery channel program about sharks and how you looked up at the night sky like a shark would be swimming through the stars
i’m still thinking about that time you cried to me about your sister smoking pot and how we lay on your trundle bed in your salmon room and talked about chemistry
i’m still thinking about that time you told me to accept jesus into my heart and if i didn’t, my eight year old self would spend forever in hell
i’m still thinking about that time you kissed me in the shower during hide and seek, and that time you walked me through the quad when everyone stared
i’m still thinking about that time in physics when i presented about nikola tesla and you wouldn’t make eye contact with me despite your promise the night before
i’m still thinking about that time you curled my hair and gave me sunflower earrings and we walked to 7-11 next to a highway alone
i’m still thinking about that time you left a wilted red rose in my cubby with a love letter on wide ruled paper, and how i threw the rose away and hid the note in my treehouse only to run out in the middle of the night to save it under my mattress
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This Is How We Will Say Goodbye

This is how we will leave each other.
You will leave at 10:13 on platform 12, seven minutes before you have to catch your train back home. I will have knots in my hair and will be wearing the same clothes from last night, because we would have ran out of time in the morning to shower or tidy ourselves up.
I will try to tell you all the things I have kept inside of me, but my aptitude for words will be falling short. Instead, we will talk about the weather and how you hope the train won’t be filled with people on their morning commute. The unlucky vowels that I had chained together during our car ride will stay tucked away under my tongue, and will be washed down with the strongest coffee that the barista had to offer at the petrol station. I will jokingly ask him if coffee can wash down the shame of being cheated on, and he will reply that tequila works best for that.
I will leave you with the brightest smile that I can craft, parting you with the illusion that my heart isn’t breaking into a thousand pieces. I will think how the fragile pieces shine like the reflective glass in the concrete mixture on the floor. I will keep looking at them while you go through the checklist of things you need to bring. I will note how I am not on it and feel the cracks under my ribs escalate with every beating pulse. I have every right to be angry, you will say. It is as if validation can only be granted with your signed approval and charming smile. I will focus on counting the glittering particles and wait for acceptance to wash over me. I will pray that it’s on the next train coming in so that I can leave with more than what I came with.
I will leave you with the heartbreak that has folded itself inwardly with unforgiving heaviness. I will feel tiredness in every limb that begins from the chest and escalates to my toes. Even my words will seem dull and dry, and I will not know how to make them sound exciting or beautiful like they use to. Maybe that’s what you thought of when you kissed her; how her words shined so brightly in that dark bar and how her voice coated every syllable with an enthralling allure.
Looking at my words hurt my eyes, because they now exist with so much madness and disappointment that I feel like they are judging me for being such a poor host to them. All that is pouring out of my fingertips are harsh arrangements like ‘fuck’, ‘shit’, ‘betrayal’ and a couple of ‘what the fuck’ with too many ‘why the hell did you do that, you asshole’. Those are just a few examples of the words that I want to throw at you.
The ability to write delicate pretty words will be put on the back burner, because I have lost the ability to string together flowing lines on how much I loved you. I wanted to remind the world that I had never seen such bright and promising eyes like yours, but the world no longer needs to hear them. So I will follow the barista’s suggestion and begin my search for too much tequila with my roommate.
I will learn to live and let live, just like how you once whispered into my ears as we danced at your sister’s wedding in October. I will remember that it is your loss and that you are missing out on the fullness that only I can offer you.
I will leave you with open palms and my head held high to the summer sky. I will leave with grace and integrity that you lack in both virtues and morals. But most of all, I will leave you with the certainty that I will one day feel love in my ribs for another boy who will think that I am more than enough. I will leave you because I deserve better than anything you can offer, and the two other chances I gave you were twice too many.
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