leave (2)

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relationship with harry...

who is the big spoon/little spoon: Harry is the big spoon, even when he tries to be the little spoon. There’s something about the way your body fits perfectly up against his, when combined with his naturally cuddly nature it means that even when you fall asleep pressed up against his back spooning him during the nights he wants to feel small and loved, you’ll wake up in the opposite position with his lanky, tatted up limbs wrapped around you.
what is your favorite non-sexual activity: Honestly, just lounging around the house, marathoning tv shows or sprawled over the couch and each other while eating ice cream and talking about everything and nothing. So often Harry is out for appearances or getting comfortably drunk with his friends at this party or that club, and you can be found doing your own thing, and not that Harry doesn’t like going out and having all the fun he can have as a young popstar, but he finds himself the happiest when it’s only you and him. When you don’t have to put on a fake smile for the cameras just to support him somewhere, when he can stop worrying about everything he says and does being front page news, when you guys can just be happy and carefree and act like the lovers and friends that you are.
who uses all the hot water in the morning: You do. By the time you drag yourself out of bed and Harry’s arms to get ready for the day you’re still a sleepy, virtually useless lump, and it takes several bleary moments of just standing under the hot spray before you even start washing yourself. Harry sometimes slips in with you for this reason, to ensure he doesn’t have to take a frigid shower and to wake you up with the sweet morning lovin’ you both love.
what you order from take out: You and Harry love trying new things, so on lazy, takeout for dinner nights you pull out the binder full of menus that the two of you have collected so far, rarely choosing the same thing twice unless you guys truly love it. Sometimes it’s just that new sandwich shop everyone keeps raving about, and other times Harry wants to laugh at you when you inevitably spill tzatziki sauce or Hawaiian-style fried rice down your front.
what is the most trivial thing you fight over: Just about everything: where to go on Saturday night, whose turn it is to do the laundry, what to make for dinner, who forgot to turn the tv off that morning. You and Harry bicker like you’ve been together for 60 years, and sometimes you think he challenges you just to get you riled up. It almost always ends with you groaning out a frustrated “HAROLD”, to which he’ll sigh and shake his head, before doing something completely idiotic to get you laughing again.
who does most of the cleaning: Harry is gone so often that you end up getting stuck with a lot of the cleaning up, but when he’s around he won’t let you do it on your own. Both of you try hard to keep your fancy new place from turning into a pigsty, and with the help of the weekly maid service, nothing gets too bad.
who leaves their stuff around: You do, and it drives Harry just a little bit bonkers. You try to keep your things in the right place but it’s only a matter of time before a stack of your books is slowly growing on the table and three of your coats get waylaid on the way to the closet and end up strewn over the back of the couch and your makeup is not only all over the bathroom sink but also on the dresser and the nightstand (his nightstand, how’d you manage that!) and the cocktail table. He’ll huff loudly, and you’ll give him an innocent little smile and bat of your eyelashes before distracting him with a kiss before he starts whining.
who remembers to buy the milk: Harry does. He’s the master at coming home from the store with the milk just as you’re about to rummage through the cupboards for your favorite cereal, or bringing you chocolate or those delicious muffins you love so much because he could hear through your voice on the phone earlier that you weren’t having the best day. Grocery shopping usually consists of you trying hard to follow your list while Harry disappears for a few minutes only to return with that one thing you’ve been meaning to get that you had forgotten to even add to it.
who remembers anniversaries: You both do. You and Harry had decided pretty early on that neither of you would go crazy for anniversaries, considering the extreme likelihood that a lot of them would be spent apart due to his schedule. That doesn’t make it any less important to you guys though; every anniversary is spent as close as you can get to each other, even if it’s both of you drinking champagne and saying sappy ‘I love you’s over a grainy Skype call, because every 6 month mark or year that you’ve managed to weather the constant time apart, cheating rumors, frayed nerves, and stupid fights, and remember that your love is so much stronger than that, is cause for celebration.
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You groan as you toss your phone away from you, not even caring when it bounced off the bed and onto the floor with a clatter. For a second you just rub your temples and try to practice your deep, yoga breathing, not wanting to work your blood pressure any higher than it already was.
Your wedding is two months away and it felt like everything in the universe was conspiring against your wishes. You didn’t happen to think that the sweet, cozy little ceremony that you and Harry agreed that you wanted was too much to ask for, but nothing was going right. Susie, the wedding planner, was working her poor fingers to the bone trying to coordinate everything for you, but it seemed every other day she was calling you with another snag she’d run into. Without her, plus the incredibly gracious help and support of Harry’s and your own family, you think you would’ve thrown all of it to the wind and just run off to Vegas.
Harry’s long body is sprawled sideways on his favorite armchair when you come shuffling into the living room with a bowl of ice cream to try to ease your stress, attention split between the tv and his phone.
"That was Susie on the phone," you tell him with a heavy sigh as you sink onto the couch, digging into your ice cream. "She says I have to change the color of the bridesmaids dresses, AGAIN. I swear this stuff is gonna drive me completely nuts." You get a disinterested grunt from Harry in response, and when you look at him he hasn’t even picked his head up in your direction, continuing to type on the screen of his phone. Clearing your throat a little, you pipe up again, "Speaking of the colors, did you ever look over those flower designs that I showed you?"
"No, I haven’t," he replies dryly, still not seeming to care enough to look at you, and you frown.
"Why not? Susie can’t put the order in for them until we tell her which ones we want, and she needs as much time as possible." This time Harry doesn’t even say anything. You put your bowl on the cocktail table and lean over, touching his arm. "Harry?"
"What?" His voice and eyes are harsher than normal when he finally turns around and looks at you, and not being used to it you recoil just a bit. "Y/N, what is it?"
"I was asking about the flowers. We need to pick which colors we like." Harry does everything but roll his eyes, turning back to his phone.
"Why don’t you just pick them? I told you, it doesn’t really matter to me. They’re just fucking flowers, aren’t they?" As stressed as you are, and knowing that he’s as stressed as he is, you know you shouldn’t take as much offense to his words as you do, but you can’t help it. Your jaw drops a little bit, and you lean forward towards him.
"Not really, Harry. They’re part of our wedding, you know, the occasion where we stand in front of everyone and pledge to be together forever?" He swings his long legs over until he’s able to sit up and give you an exasperated look.
"Exactly. That’s all it should be about, all that other stuff isn’t important."
"Harry…" you start, shaking your head in disbelief and no small amount of hurt. "You were the one that said you wanted to make this special…" He tosses his phone onto the table, digging the fingers of both hands in his hair.
"Yeah, well, maybe I didn’t know it would add so much extra bullshit to my life. Look," he pushes his phone in your direction, eyeing you accusingly. "My PR team is riding my ass about making all these fucking appearances that I don’t wanna go to, they’ve just scrapped another one of my songs that I wrote, and tour rehearsals are kicking my ass every day, and you want me to worry about these stupid flowers or what type of tealights will be on the tables or some shit and I just-I just don’t care about it right now, alright? I can’t care about it. I’ve got too much shit going on, Y/N.”
By the time Harry has finished his tirade he’s on his feet and stomping from the room, leaving you stunned and defeated on the couch. You try to take a deep steadying breath, but it doesn’t make you feel any better at all. You’re equal parts angry and hurt; it’s rare, but Harry does have a tendency sometimes to treat your problems like they’re not as important as his, but it’s never been this severe before. Not to mention this doesn’t just involve you, but him too. Hearing him talk about your wedding plans like that, like he could care less about marrying you, like it’s not even on his list of priorities, makes your chest tighten painfully.
For the next hour or so you languish on the couch, your ice cream uneaten and melted in front of you as you stare listlessly at the television. Harry doesn’t make a peep nor does he attempt to reconcile with you in any way, and when you finally decide it’s time to get started on dinner (there’s a package of salmon fillets in the fridge that need to be cooked before they go bad, regardless of any fights you and Harry are in the middle of), you do so with a heavy heart. You had planned on having him help you when you made this, but, well, there went that idea.
You’re halfway through chopping some vegetables, the smell of warm olive oil wafting through the kitchen, when you feel the first tears coming on. Harry’s words, which you had previously forbade yourself to repeat, run through your head on an endless loop.
It doesn’t matter to me.
I didn’t know it would add so much extra bullshit in my life.
I just don’t care about it right now, alright?
You finally have to stop chopping to protect your fingers when the tears blur your vision enough, and you press the back of one hand to your eyes. You sniffle, your body wracking with the first few quiet sobs.
"…Y/N?" Harry’s voice is quiet in the doorway to the kitchen, and you instantly turn your face away from his direction, wiping your hands and face on a towel before going back to your vegetables.
"Yeah?" He doesn’t respond to you, and you’re not about to turn to him and give him a good look at your red, miserable face, but you feel his presence behind you.
"I-I don’t know what to say, Y/N. I can’t believe I said those things to you." He sounds so anguished, perhaps even on the verge of tears himself, and a few more tears slide down your cheeks as you sniffle again. "Y/N, I…" You feel the warmth of his large hands, hovering over your shoulders, unsure if you’ll accept them on you. Wordlessly, you reach with one hand and take hold of his, and Harry almost instantly molds to your back, arms sliding around your front as he hugs you tightly to him.
"I’m sorry I was pushing you…" you murmur, allowing him to use you as his rock to lean on. He shakes his head.
"You weren’t. I just, I…everything’s so fucked, baby…" His voice breaks in the middle of his sentence, his body starting to shake against you, and you struggle to turn around in his embrace. Looking up into his face you see that the past hour hasn’t been kind to him either, his hair forms a mess on top of his head, eyes swollen and heartrending and watching you like you’re the only thing he’s got left in the world. You reach up and cup his face, heart breaking for him. "I want to marry you more than anything, I care about the wedding, I care about you and how hard you’re working on it and I’ve been a shit fiance not helping you at all, but it’s just…" He takes a shaking breath and gives you a searching look, hoping you’ll understand what he’s trying to say to you, and of course you do. It’s just that he’s exhausted, drained so completely by everyone and everything, it’s just that Harry’s giant heart is constantly giving, giving, giving, and everyone expects him to be fine while he’s not getting anything in return except rumors and accusations and a heap of expectations to be perfect and all privacy taken from him.
"Maybe we should postpone it then…"
"No!" Harry looks stricken at the very idea, clutching your hands that are still on his face and holding them to his chest. "I don’t want to postpone it, I’m not doing that. They try to take everything away from me, but not this. Not you." He shakes his head, squeezing your hands tighter. "I’m so sorry I made you cry, I’m sorry I let it get to me, but I promise, Y/N I promise, I love you so much and us getting married couldn’t be more important to me.” His outburst makes tears fill your eyes again, and you lean forward into him, pressing your face into his chest while his arms envelop you. The two of you stay like that for a long time, you don’t bother to try counting the minutes, both of you leaning on and providing comfort for the other, taking the time to silently mend the crack that had been made in the little cocoon of safety and trust you’ve always shared with each other.
"I like the red ones with the gold trim." Confused, you look up at him.
"What?" Harry gives you a small smile, his thumb brushing your cheek fondly.
"The flowers. I like the red ones with the gold." You feel yourself smiling, even as you pull his head down for a kiss.
"Those are my favorite too."
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tread lightly

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I feel like Harry views tours as vacations, and bringing you along would just be the cherry on top. He would want to show you everything and explain how everything worked and he’d answer all your questions and he’d love how well you got on with all the boys and the band and the crew, and he’d laugh at the look on your face when the alarm would go off at 4:15 am and he’d try to get you to cram into the bunk with him even though your leg is hanging off the edge and one of his elbows is jabbing you. Harry would love having you to rub your thumbs over his knuckles to calm his jittery nerves before each show, he’d be so excited that he can drape himself over you afterwards and even though you complain about how gross and sweaty he is, you hug him tight and tell him how proud you are of him.
He loves visiting all the new places and seeing all the new people and the look in your eyes when you press your face against the plane window trying to get a glimpse of the new country or city and his heart will swell because he knows he helped fulfill your dreams of travelling. He’d be tired from the hustle and bustle but would never turn you down when you ask him to go swimming in the giant hotel pool or go to that big museum you passed on the way here or maybe even just wander around and see the city. And when Niall and Louis start throwing croissants at breakfast you would throw toast right back and Harry would shield himself from flying jam and laugh and love his life so much that he might cry because he’s got his best mates and his girl and his fans all in one place, and tour with you and Harry would just be the greatest. He would never want to go without you again for the rest of his life.
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It’s not that he doesn’t feel it. Because by God, he does.
And that’s the kicker, isn’t it? That’s the problem with him, what’s always been his problem: he falls too fast.
His mother calls him soft hearted. His sister calls him an idiot. His friends often call him a sap, a pansy, a hopeless romantic. He doesn’t know what to call himself. Most often it’s alone.
And he had learned to live with his romantic affliction, for the most part, when he felt himself slipping off that cliff into the land of no return, he made sure to catch himself and get out before he got himself hurt for the umpteenth time. He’s never cruel, but he keeps his relationships shallow, has as much ‘fun’ as a strapping young lad such as he should have. He’s young, rich, and well-liked, he doesn’t have time for a million broken hearts.
Until you came along and knocked him head over feet, sent him spinning off course and unable to right himself ever since. He’s not sure that he wants to.
Harry sensed the danger in you, he felt the immediate pull in his heart that wanted to be closecloseclose to you all the time and hold your hand and kiss your face and wake up with you and make sure that you’re alright and aren’t with any other boys and that was really, really scary. People around him were noticing your presence in his life, small phrases of yours that he was picking up, the way he slipped quietly into his bunk to share a video call with you and show you some tiny trinket he picked up at a rest stop in the middle of nowhere that made him think of you for some odd reason. His mother said he looked a little ‘dreamy eyed’ the last time she’d seen him, and although she looked as happy as a clam at the thought of her baby in love, Harry felt his insides twist into knots.
The big L word was trying valiantly to make itself present on his tongue alright, driving him insane at the end of every conversation when there was the huge empty space between “I’ll talk to you later, be safe” and “goodbye”, and when you would look at him with those big giant eyes that made him turn to mush and want to sprout wings and fly to you so he could bundle you up into his arms, and when you did something for him for no other reason than to make him happy, like stop waking up early to make him breakfast because you know he likes it more when the two of you wake up together and giggle around the kitchen getting smeared with pancake batter.
But if he says it, it makes the danger real. If he says it, you can take those words from him and shape them into a dagger to ruin him with. So he keeps them hidden so deep that he can’t even see them. And it kills him when he sees the flicker of doubt go across your face when an opportunity for the first “I love you” passes the two of you by once more, when you duck your head to try to hide your insecurity, it kills him that he can’t bring himself to tell you how hard you make his heart pound, how difficult it is to keep his mind off of you.
And when one night he catches you wiping tears from your face, he curses his cowardice and vows to himself that one day he’ll be strong enough to tell you. One day he won’t tuck his tail like a frightened child at the sight of your hopeful eyes.
He pulls you into his arms and thinks one day his heart will be open for you. One day.
Harry remembers being very young, probably five or six, so excited to finally be allowed to play in the pool with his sister and cousins at the big barbecue. He still had his floaties on and his mother was watching him vigilantly but he didn’t care; he could splash and kick and doggy paddle his way around to his heart’s content, pretend he was a pirate or a merman or even a whale, spitting chlorine flavored water at his sister until she screamed at him. He remembers how quickly it had happened, how fast, one moment he saw his mother go inside to help with the food, he saw his opportunity to slip his floaties off and be truly free, and the next he was head down underwater and all he saw was everyone’s feet. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think.
Young Harry thrashed, opened his mouth to yell and panicked as water rushed in, but even then everyone was too busy to notice, no one was there to help. It was only when he had begun seeing his vision narrow, when he saw the sun filtering through the surface of the water above him and he wondered if he would see God when he died, that he felt, dimly, what seemed like a hundred hands pulling him up and out of the pool. His mother had clutched him to her chest and cried and cried as he coughed up water, and she didn’t let him leave her sight the rest of the day. He sat on her lap, towel draped over his shoulders as he nibbled on a hot dog and sipped some soda.
Harry felt such a strong deja vu the day that you left. How quickly it all happened. He knew you were unhappy, he knew you doubted him, uncertain about how he felt but he swore to himself it would just take one more day, one more week, maybe one more publicity tour, and then he would tell you. He would make sure you understood, he just needed some time. But, it happened so fast, so fast, you sat down opposite him at his table, your face carved from stone and your fingers shaking. He barely heard the words you said, your explanation, your reasons, he only saw your eyes refusing to meet his, your chin wobble a little. And Harry did panic when you slid your purse on your shoulder and stood up, he opened his mouth and lodged in his throat were the words he knew would stop you from leaving him to drown, but instead, his lungs deflated and he let his hands fall to his side, helplessly.
“I’m sorry,” is all he said, his voice frail, and again, he wondered about God. When the door shut behind you with such finality that his head spun, he wondered why God didn’t just take him back when he was six.
There is no one to pull him from his hole this time, and so he’s left alone to call himself an idiot in so many different ways that’s he’s lost count. One Direction finishes a tour and goes on a break, but Harry doesn’t want a break. He doesn’t want to be alone in his house where there’s a thousand reminders of you, the toothbrush he always kept for you, the stain in his couch from when you spilled your soda laughing too hard at something he said, so many memories imprinted in everything you touched. And he doesn’t want to go out and get drunk, listen to the lads tell him it’s time to get over you, find another girl to bring home. It doesn’t matter what he does or where he goes, nothing would ever be right unless he was with you. But he’d already completely fucked that up, hadn’t he? He had realized far too late.
It’s a deceptively sunny day when he sees you again for the first time, it’s bright but chilly, and that’s how Harry feels when he sees you breezing through the market with a basket hanging off one arm and staring hard a hand written list. He blinks hard, sucks in his breath, takes three or four hard looks before he decides to stop questioning himself and rushes to catch up to you.
“Hey,” he says, tapping you on the shoulder. When you turn and look up at him, your mouth falls open and all you do is stare at him, your face reflecting utter shock, and maybe under that, something deeper and sadder that makes Harry’s heart hurt.
“Oh. Oh, h-hi. Hi, Harry.” Harry stuffs his hands in his pockets to keep himself from touching you, nodding as he responds to your greeting, then looks down because he has no idea what to say that isn’t the long, long list of variations of ‘please come back, I know I’m a twat but I promise I’ll make it right and I need you’ that he’s come up with in his head. You clear your throat and shuffle on your feet. “Well, uh, how are you?”
“Good.” Harry responds after a beat. What else could he say? Miserable? Desolate? Unable to look himself in the eye? You always told him he beat himself up too much, what would you say to him now?
“Good. I’m the same.” You bite your lip, and the silence stretches between you like miles. Harry swallows hard, pulls one hand from his pocket to push his fingers through his hair.
“Hey, can I buy you a coffee? If you’re free, I mean.” Your eyes flicker with doubt, and he can practically hear the cogs working in your head, debating if it’s a terrible idea or not, and he almost smiles to himself because he remembers how many kisses he used to press to your temple to help you decide between this or that.
“Yeah. I’m free.”
And it isn’t until he’s seated across from you with the hot drink cupped between his palms that he takes the time to really take you in again after all this time only seeing you in his memory. His eyes pour greedily over that piece of hair right in the front that you can never figure out whether you want to go right or left, the delicate bridge of your nose, your skin tone that’s a little bit tanner, your collarbones peeking from under your shirt. He can’t believe he had forgotten about that birthmark, that freckle, the curve of your eyelashes.
“Harry?” You’re looking at him with wide eyes, hesitant and almost frightened. “Do I have something on my face?”
“I miss you so fucking much.” You look like he had just took a swing at you, and stare down at your tea, moving your hands to your lap.
“Don’t say stuff like that here, Harry.”
“When should I say it, then?” His throat locks up and he can barely push the words out. “When do you reckon I’ll be seeing you again? It doesn’t matter where I say it, it’s gonna be the same.” He flops back in his chair and watches you blink rapidly, feels his chest constrict when he realizes you’re fighting back tears, that he’s still hurting you.
“I…I don’t know what you want me to say. It had to be- the way that it was. You know that. We weren’t- it wasn’t-…” You pause and Harry’s eyes burn holes into you, hanging onto what you’re telling him. “We weren’t going anywhere. I told you that months ago.”
“You didn’t really give us a chance, Y/N.”
“Is this what you wanted to talk about? I don’t want to do this, Harry. I can’t.” You stand so abruptly that you shake the table. “I’m sorry.” And Harry’s elbows hit the table as he rakes his fingers through his hair, curling in on himself because he can’t watch you walk away from him again. His stomach writhes inside him, self loathing coating his veins,why is he letting you go again? That water is surrounding him again, plugging his ears and airways, he can’t breathe, can’t think. When was the last time he felt like his head was above the surface? Probably the last time you kissed him, the last time he was able to press your head against his chest.
The wind has picked up when he rushes outside, it’s the only way he spots you, your bright yellow scarf is trailing behind you as you walk briskly down the street. You’re already a couple of blocks down and Harry is for once thankful for his gangly legs, they allow him to catch up with you quickly.
“Harry, please, let me go, I told you, I can’t-”
“I love you.” In his head, he didn’t think he’d confess his love for you in a somewhat crowded street on a Wednesday morning, but in the end it didn’t really matter, because he watches your expression melt into something so beautiful that he wishes he could bottle it and keep it forever.
“Don’t just say it. Don’t say it if you don’t mean it.” Harry cups your cheeks, makes sure your eyes are on him and only him.
“I mean it. God, I’ve always meant it. I’m sorry it took me so long. I was scared.” His thumb catches a tear at the corner of your eye before it can fall. “I tried…I tried to show you, with kisses and those little gifts, but I know it wasn’t enough. I love you, Y/N, and if you give me a chance I’ll tell you every day. I swear on my life.”
When you fall into his arms, Harry finally understands how his mother must have felt back then, holding his gasping, quivering, blue-tinged self so tightly to herself. He knows why she cringed to let go of him, even when he whined and complained that he had to use the loo. Harry holds your hand just as tightly as his mother had that day, he lays with his arms wound around you that night so that in the morning you have to wake him up and pry him off of you just to get out of bed, but you don’t seem to mind that much because he presses kisses to your skin with a whispered ‘I love you’ behind each one.
And for the first time in so long, there’s no more water in his lungs, no more spots dancing in the way of his vision. Everything is clear, and everything is you.
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Any time I think of what Harry is like in bed (which is a lot of the time, I assume none of you are surprised), I can never think of him as anything but eager to please. And that isn’t necessarily to mean that he’s completely submissive, or that he never focuses on the pleasure that you give him, but I just think that Harry’s primary goal is to make you feel not just good, but magnificent, glowing, as gorgeous and shivery and radiant as possible from what he does to you. If he can figure out how to make you transcend to another realm, he’ll aim for nothing less than that every time.
On top of that, from his going buck flippin’ wild lately on stage, I would hazard a guess that Harry’s body/sexual confidence may have increased a tad (i.e. he knows he’s hot and he knows what he does to you), so I think he can be incredibly flirty. Super cheeky and teasing you, tickling you and nipping at you and getting you riled up, loving that he can have you begging for him before the real fun’s even really started. And with that, I can see his goofiness and joviality translating right into the bedroom, where even with all of the moans and gasps and pleasured sighs that he ekes out of you he can still make you giggle with abandon when he keeps popping the waistband of your panties against your skin or fake-biting your toes or dramatically burrowing his face between your breasts.
And even though Harry’s loved by millions the world over, mature for his age, and is clearly very aware of his attractiveness, he’s still pretty young, and I can imagine that there’s still some of that pink-cheeked, boyish wonder somewhere in there while the two of you are together, where he’s watching you almost in awe and can’t believe he has this beautiful woman there with him. He can’t believe you let him lay his hands all over you, give him permission to put his mouth on your body until you’re keening and tugging at his hair in desperation. You lay yourself out before him, underneath him, you sit astride his hips, body on full display for him to worship with his hands and eyes and mouth, and he can’t believe that it’s him that you chose for that. When you cum, it’s for him, it’s his name that you cry out, his eyes that yours look for the moment they first blink dazedly back open, him that you reach for and press your mouth to like he’s water to your parched tongue, and nothing makes him feel more wanted or alive than that. (I feel like he wouldn’t be able to vocalize that to you though, so instead sometimes while you’re still cooling down you catch him with a look on his face you can’t place, or he just can’t seem to stop kissing you everywhere he can reach, he won’t let you go, and you might get worried, ask him what’s wrong. But he always shushes you and assures you he’s fine with a sweet smile so contradictory to what you two had just been up to. It’s just that he’s trying to say ‘thank you’ the only way he knows how.)
Harry would be great to you at any point in your relationship, but after you’ve been together for a while, I feel like that’s when he’d shine the most because now he knows your body with the warm familiarity that he does his hometown, he knows what you like and what you secretly like but won’t admit to, what turns you on faster than he can snap his fingers. He’s intuitive, he can feel you out I think, he knows when you’re feeling frisky and he knows when you want him to give it to you good. Like I said before, he’s eager to please you, so if you need him he’s going to be there to take care of you however you need. And when you’ve been together for years and you worry yourself half to death about him being bored with you and wanting someone new and younger and different, Harry would press his lips to your ankle, the inside of your knee, running his warm hands up over your thighs and grazing his nose up over your hips and belly, wondering out loud how you could think he wouldn’t want you anymore when he finds something new he loves about your body every single day.
So…yes. I think Harry is very focused on you, sex with him would be a lot of passion and deep connection and figuring each other out but also fun and even cute sometimes because come on, it’s Harry. And I’m just going to stop talking about this now because I’ve made myself sad.
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losing control

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uninteresting but
your hands
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war zones

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i love you

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the beginning

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tinder heart

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change me

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when love hits

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feels /