date: 2013-08-31
time: 16:33:00

i feel so fiercely protective of people who are struggling with an eating disorder. like, im always the one to step up and be like “hey shut the fuc k up” when someone mentions a girls eating habits, especially in a negative way, and im always the one to point out that having a negative body image isnt inherent or synonymous with being a woman and that you dont have to and you shouldnt feel like it’s normal to hate yourself, and im always there to remind people that eating is never wrong or something to feel guilty about and to encourage them when they seem reluctant because i know i wish that someone had been there to do that for me . i hope i can be the person people feel safe enough ot talk to when they need help and if any of you ever do then know im always here and willing to listen without passing judgment ok
deep thoughts and unpopular opinions /