whisper your spirit into me
date: 2013-12-10
time: 22:28:22

"I miss you" those are three words that are abused like "I love you". There are no words that exist which could possibly explain our separation. Time does not stand still, it drags on. It freezes my blood, it's hard to take a breath without wondering how you are breathing too. If you're looking at the stars and thinking of me because you know how I love them. If you see me in the strangers you encounter on your way to work. All I can think of is when I'll get to see you next - if my absence has somehow made you more fond of me. My heart is stuck in my throat, I don't know where you are. There is no stillness here. I let my soul slip out of my mouth when you are near. My stomach is in knots with aching for you, my limbs ache, my skin longs to be touched by yours. You are slowly becoming my home and I cannot leave. I am so in love - lips on lips, and soul on soul - I am hoping you'll whisper your spirit into me.
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