date: 2013-06-25
time: 12:48:00

i love that i have like one reader here because it makes it so secretive and i love that because i can just let go of it all and just be myself completely and that's such a good feeling you know like i don't have to hide anything i really do recommend that you create yourselves a blog like this
now i'm rambling again and i guess that's a result of having no other brain activity than that which is completely consumed by travelling like i don't think about anything else and you wanna know something???????? it's exactly one week left and yeah that's probably why i can't form coherent sentences because as soon as i start or at least attempt to start thinking about what i should write my mind wanders back to travelling and yeah this is not exactly the easiest thing i've done
idek what i'm saying and i think i've managed to fit in those exact words in my three latest posts or something so haHA yeah
what's life??? /