date: 2014-06-30
time: 05:08:48

A supernova is a star that burns so bright it causes an explosion
You are a supernova
So bright you are blinding
So warm you are sometimes cold
You are impossible
You trace my freckles like they are constellations
The stars seem to shine from your face.
Newton's third law of motion states that
for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
Your existence alone defies the laws of physics
You taught me more about the universe than Newton ever did
If you are ever alone
look up at the stars
find the north star
then the big dipper
realize these are the stars you have seen all your life
when it comes to the universe
you are always at home.
You are a person of the stars
Millions of stars exploded just so you can exist
their dust is in your bones.
poetry /