plans for summer
date: 2014-03-21
time: 23:36:00

talk to someone new. doesn't matter who. just choose someone good and talk about life.
read a book. maybe that old, dusty one hidden under all that mess. learn to appreciate the importance of words.
watch a movie at the theatre either by yourself or with a friend. stay long after the credits have finished rolling and soak in the beautiful silence and the warmth all the bodies left behind.
visit a new city and tell everyone "hello". nobody knows who you were, just who you are at the moment. it's okay.

get a job in your crappy town that's been there for years. leave a "lucky" penny in each grocery bag to spread positivity.
create a mix cd and play it loud, either on a long drive to nowhere, or in your room while everyone is away. jump on your bed, write on your walls. it's liberating to break even the tiniest of rules.
take in a straycat or dog. make them feel loved, give them a bubble bath and hug them every single day. you have each other and that's good enough.
take a picture of the sunrise each day, develop them and hang them up in order in your room.

snip a small piece of your hair and bury it under the ground, in a place where you feel at peace. i don't know why, just go with it.
try to catch a butterfly (it's been a while, hasn't it?) * if butterflies aren't your thing, hump a tree
open up a dictionary and learn the first word you see (try to apply it into a casual conversation).
ask an elderly person what their fondest memory is.

go outside, seriously, do something, do anything. we all know the internet's cool but it's nice to feel connected with the only planet we've got that can sustain human life.
if it rains, hold out a mug under the open sky and have a gulp of pure 'cloud water (i am not responsible for death - use your better judgement)
write a letter to your past self or future self. write something important. maybe they'll (you'll) actually get it and bend the parallel dimension of time.
get a hidden secret tattoo.

forgive someone. what's the point of holding a grudge? be the better person. (then buy yourself a popsicle because you deserve it, you champ).
make a time capsule and bury it in your backyard (you know, with pictures, letters, and other keepsakes).
tag your name, or anything really, on your favorite building in town. come back years later to check if it's still there.
grab two books (maybe from the public library if you're feeling rebellious and adventurous), rip out the last page from each of them and leave a note in both saying "if you want to know what happens last, you must read/check out _____.

tape fortune cookie fortunes on dollar bills.
tie a small notebook to a public bench and write "why did you do it?" on the cover. come back the next day (hopefully it'll still be there), and read.
make a tin can telephone. call yo'self.
climb a tree and carve your name when you get to the top.

buy as many balloons as you can and let them all go at once (or hand them out, whatever tickles your pickle).
get an old bowl and fill it with fresh water. leave it somewhere where there are stray dogs. it's hot and they get thirsty too!
braid a bracelet for yourself and never take it off. (never).
watch ants intently for and hour. trust me, they're mesmerizing. might wanna leave them a few crumbs.

pierce your own ear, or have your best friend do it for you in the middle of the night (try not to cuss haha, oh and be sanitary about it!)
photo bomb as many strangers pictures as you can (if you're feeling brave, ask them if they can send it to your email).
don't say no to anything for a week.
walk around a public area with an unpeeled banana in your pants. reach in and pull it out when you decide you're hungry.

tape a picture of a spider under a public toilet seat. pretend to wash your hands and secretly wait for people to freak out.
light as many candles in your home as you can and have a romantic dinner with yourself.
walk into a drugstore, wait for the cashier to make eye contact with you and say "it was all a lie" and slowly walk away backwards.
rent one room in a cheap, nearby hotel either with friends or by yourself. write hidden messages on the walls, flip possible hems upside down, jump on the bed, leave a dollar inside the pillow case, just have fun!

put your favorite things, things from your past, things that you're ready to part with together in a box, seal it up, and write "make good use of it" and leave it on a park bench. (it's time to move on)
watch the scariest movie you own and then try to stay in your restroom with the door closed and no source of light or music or electronic device for an entire minute. if you survive without giving in, you may reward yourself with a badge saying "i survived the darkness for an entire minute".
cut out your favorite words from a book, or magazine, put them into an envelope along with their definition and carry it along with you just in case you might want to use one.
prank call every restaurant in your area and ask if they know the krabby patty secret formula. wait for a response.

replace actual fortune cookie fortunes with "have you met ted", "you're rad", and "butts r nice".
write positive graffiti on public restroom stalls.
go for a walk and take a stick of chalk with you. try to draw the longest line possible without lifting it off the surface.
draw and tape eyeballs onto the vehicle of someone you know. DON'T tell them.
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