Any time I think of what Harry is like in bed (which is a lot of the time, I assume none of you are surprised), I can never think of him as anything but eager to please. And that isn’t necessarily to mean that he’s completely submissive, or that he never focuses on the pleasure that you give him, but I just think that Harry’s primary goal is to make you feel not just good, but magnificent, glowing, as gorgeous and shivery and radiant as possible from what he does to you. If he can figure out how to make you transcend to another realm, he’ll aim for nothing less than that every time.
On top of that, from his going buck flippin’ wild lately on stage, I would hazard a guess that Harry’s body/sexual confidence may have increased a tad (i.e. he knows he’s hot and he knows what he does to you), so I think he can be incredibly flirty. Super cheeky and teasing you, tickling you and nipping at you and getting you riled up, loving that he can have you begging for him before the real fun’s even really started. And with that, I can see his goofiness and joviality translating right into the bedroom, where even with all of the moans and gasps and pleasured sighs that he ekes out of you he can still make you giggle with abandon when he keeps popping the waistband of your panties against your skin or fake-biting your toes or dramatically burrowing his face between your breasts.
And even though Harry’s loved by millions the world over, mature for his age, and is clearly very aware of his attractiveness, he’s still pretty young, and I can imagine that there’s still some of that pink-cheeked, boyish wonder somewhere in there while the two of you are together, where he’s watching you almost in awe and can’t believe he has this beautiful woman there with him. He can’t believe you let him lay his hands all over you, give him permission to put his mouth on your body until you’re keening and tugging at his hair in desperation. You lay yourself out before him, underneath him, you sit astride his hips, body on full display for him to worship with his hands and eyes and mouth, and he can’t believe that it’s him that you chose for that. When you cum, it’s for him, it’s his name that you cry out, his eyes that yours look for the moment they first blink dazedly back open, him that you reach for and press your mouth to like he’s water to your parched tongue, and nothing makes him feel more wanted or alive than that. (I feel like he wouldn’t be able to vocalize that to you though, so instead sometimes while you’re still cooling down you catch him with a look on his face you can’t place, or he just can’t seem to stop kissing you everywhere he can reach, he won’t let you go, and you might get worried, ask him what’s wrong. But he always shushes you and assures you he’s fine with a sweet smile so contradictory to what you two had just been up to. It’s just that he’s trying to say ‘thank you’ the only way he knows how.)
Harry would be great to you at any point in your relationship, but after you’ve been together for a while, I feel like that’s when he’d shine the most because now he knows your body with the warm familiarity that he does his hometown, he knows what you like and what you secretly like but won’t admit to, what turns you on faster than he can snap his fingers. He’s intuitive, he can feel you out I think, he knows when you’re feeling frisky and he knows when you want him to give it to you good. Like I said before, he’s eager to please you, so if you need him he’s going to be there to take care of you however you need. And when you’ve been together for years and you worry yourself half to death about him being bored with you and wanting someone new and younger and different, Harry would press his lips to your ankle, the inside of your knee, running his warm hands up over your thighs and grazing his nose up over your hips and belly, wondering out loud how you could think he wouldn’t want you anymore when he finds something new he loves about your body every single day.
So…yes. I think Harry is very focused on you, sex with him would be a lot of passion and deep connection and figuring each other out but also fun and even cute sometimes because come on, it’s Harry. And I’m just going to stop talking about this now because I’ve made myself sad.
feels /