I feel like Harry views tours as vacations, and bringing you along would just be the cherry on top. He would want to show you everything and explain how everything worked and he’d answer all your questions and he’d love how well you got on with all the boys and the band and the crew, and he’d laugh at the look on your face when the alarm would go off at 4:15 am and he’d try to get you to cram into the bunk with him even though your leg is hanging off the edge and one of his elbows is jabbing you. Harry would love having you to rub your thumbs over his knuckles to calm his jittery nerves before each show, he’d be so excited that he can drape himself over you afterwards and even though you complain about how gross and sweaty he is, you hug him tight and tell him how proud you are of him.
He loves visiting all the new places and seeing all the new people and the look in your eyes when you press your face against the plane window trying to get a glimpse of the new country or city and his heart will swell because he knows he helped fulfill your dreams of travelling. He’d be tired from the hustle and bustle but would never turn you down when you ask him to go swimming in the giant hotel pool or go to that big museum you passed on the way here or maybe even just wander around and see the city. And when Niall and Louis start throwing croissants at breakfast you would throw toast right back and Harry would shield himself from flying jam and laugh and love his life so much that he might cry because he’s got his best mates and his girl and his fans all in one place, and tour with you and Harry would just be the greatest. He would never want to go without you again for the rest of his life.
feels /