date: 2014-05-01
time: 21:00:47

but all i want is a boyfriend who acts all tough in front of everyone and when we’re alone he gets really sweet and cute but still feels the need to convince me that he’s all tough and he lets me wear his jacket and puts his hand in my back pocket in public and makes out with me when other guys look at me to claim me as his, and we would play fight and he would tickle me until i cry from laughing so hard and when we would fight he would either get really mad and push me onto the bed and make out with me all rough or get really upset and look all sad and pouty until i would feel bad and say sorry and he would tell me how much he loves me and we would take cute pictures and text each other every day and he would buy me starbucks when i was on my period wow i would be the happiest girl ever
feels /